When Nazi Dreams Come True
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Europaische WiertschaftsGemeinschaft

Please read the EUropaische WirtschaftGemeinschaft as published in Nazi Germany in 1942 being the foundations of todays EUropean Union. Nine pamphlets are listed below for your reading pleasure.

Pamphlet 01

Pamphlet 02

Pamphlet 03

Pamphlet 04

Pamphlet 05

Pamphlet 06

Pamphlet 07

Pamphlet 08

Pamphlet 09

Also, read When Nazi Dreams Come True: The Third Reich's Internal Struggle Over the Future of Europe After a German Victory by Robert Edwin Herzstein. London: Sphere/Abacus, 1982. 302pp, paperback. Based largely on heretofore-unexamined sources, including private and ministerial records and a wide range of Nazi and collaborationist periodicals. Details the conflict within the Nazi hierarchy between pan-German and pan-European thinkers and planners; holds that pan-European propaganda and professions of faith generally increased in direct proportion to the likelihood of a German defeat.

Nazi scholars recognized the history of the European idea and attempted to convince conquered nations that they should join Germany in a United States of Europe, but definitely dominated by Germans. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Propaganda Minister, stated in 1943 that the "aim of our struggle must be to create a unified Europe. The Germans alone can really organize Europe".

The back cover states:

"Even as the Nazis invaded, their plans were drawn up - for the Final Solution, the harnessing of mineral wealth into vast Reich cartels and monopolies, and for the slave labor program. They dreamed of a 'Common Market', a post-war European Confederation within a common legal and currency system. And after the Nazis had surrendered, the planners lived on in the ministries of the Federal Republic, making their theories the cornerstone of policy".


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