BIBLE ARCHAEOLOGY - THE DEAD SPEAK by E. Raymond Capt There is something sacred about the manner in which a nation or people dispose of their dead and record the names of their loved ones. Our mode of dress and of travel may change, but we adhere very tenaciously to methods of sepulture handed down to us from our fathers. Thus inscriptions and burial procedures are used by archaeology in identifying or tracing migrant peoples. Archaeological excavations in the Middle East have uncovered vast graveyards full of mounds or vaults with stone monuments and gravestones that speak of dispersed Israel and bear witness to the fidelity of the Bible narratives of the time of Hosea the king. One such cemetery was found in the Crimea on a high and dry ridge lying east of Sebastopol on the road from Balaclava to Batshiserai. It is in close proximity to a stronghold or fortification called "Tschu-fut-kaleh" or "Israel's fortress." The entrance to this sacred spot still bears the name of "the valley of Jehoshaphat" All the inscriptions in this cemetery strikingly resemble in form and in construction many of those found in the East. The Hebrew inscriptions on one gravestone translates as follows: "I am Jehudi, the son of Moses, the son of Jehuda the mighty, a man of the tribe of Naphtali of the family of Shimli, which was carried captive in the captivity of Hosea, king of Israel, with tribe of Simeon, together with other tribes of Israel which were carried away by the prince Shalmaneser from Samaria. They were carried to Helah, to Habor, which is Cabool, to Gozan, and to Khorsoneses (the Crimea); Khorsori was built by the father of Cyrus, and afterwards destroyed, and again rebuilt and called Crim. In another tombstone taken to St.Petersburg, we find the following words: "I am one of the faithful in Israel. Abraham-ben-mar-Sinchad of Kertsch .... The descendants of the ten tribes, under the kings of Media, Cyrus, and Cambysea, obtained possession of the Crimea, and settled there, and thus the exiles of Shalmaneser and of Nebuchadnezzar were mingled together in one people." This inscription confirms the Biblical account that the majority of the House of Judah were also taken captive to Assyria (2 Kings 18:13). Another inscription reads: "This is the grave of Buki, the son of Isaac, the priest, may his rest be in Eden at the time of the deliverance of Israel. He died 702 of our captivity." This would be about 19 B.C. In many of the Crimea cemetery monuments we find frequent reference to the house of Omri, Khomri, Kymri, Camera, and Cimmerian. The same names me found in Assyrian and Greek writings and always spoken of as connected with the captivity of Israel. An example is an Assyrian tablet of Esarhaddon (681 B.C.) that bears the name of "Teuspa the Cimmerian," whom it was said, was the leader of the tribe from Israel who loved freedom more than life. This mode of expression of ancestry familiar in ancient Hebrew family records (ex. "which was the son of Abraham, which was the son of Thara, which was the son of Nacm," etc.) we find on marble headstones in cemeteries stretching from the Crimea westward to Ireland. Some 2600 years ago in western Asia, a great, restless, energetic people were carried away into captivity and lost, to themselves and to other nations. They were the children of Abraham, heirs of the covenant, and of the promises. Among them were many thousands of young women with beautiful complexions, "Purer than snow, whiter than milk," and an immense number of stalwart young men, middle-aged men and mothers with children. Among them were orators, poets, musicians, warriors, and administrators. What was their ultimate fate? One nineteenth-century historian (Dr.Freeman) noted, "All history shows us that there must have been some great 'hive' somewhere in the middle of Western Asia, which was constantly sending swarms of people for the most part westward, and they came somehow by design, as if they knew they had a mission to perform, and a hand to guide them. As one swarm came and pushed them farther on from the old cradle or hive, and another century passed and we find another swarm, then another until we had at least five swarms of people from Armenia, or Media, precisely the same country to which the ten tribes (Israel) were led, as they left their own country." It is reasonable to conclude that the successive waves of people that swept over Europe sometimes called Celts, Scythians, Gauls, Gaels, the Gatae, the Belgae, the Angles, Jutes, Danes, Saxons, Normans, and other Germanic peoples were Israelites. These same people became the progenitors of Western. Europe, Britain and the Commonwealth, and America. Their roots can be traced by their language, laws, religion, customs, institutions, ethnological character, present condition, and future prospects. These peoples have been and are now being blessed as the Lord promised to bless His Israel, with a multiplicity of increase, as many as the stars in heaven, or sands on the ocean shores; with control of the oceans and the possession of the islands; with blessings of harvest and minerals; with wealth and treasure to lend to all other nations, and with too much independence to borrow of any; and with a Bible which is above all price. Today it is the spade of the archaeologist that is literally clearing away the sands of time, unearthing the authentic relics of the past, bringing forgotten languages to life and causing the "dead to speak." .............. Raymond Capt M.A., A.I.A., F.S.A. SCOT. is an Archaeologist of no small repute. One of his most instructive and remarkable books is "Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets - A study of Assyrian tablets that reveal the fate of the Lost Tribes of Israel" is published by Artisan Sales, P.O. Box 1497 - Thousand Oakes - Calif. 91360 USA ISBN: 0-93466-15-6 |